Qualifications for Surrogates

What Are the Qualifications Required to Be a Surrogate?

Cherish Fertility is a highly selective surrogacy agency. Our compensation packages and level of service are among the highest in the industry. Consequently, we have higher standard when accepting a surrogate. Being a surrogate can be very fulfilling and rewarding, though it also comes with great responsibilities. Please read through the below list to understand the requirements to become a surrogate with Cherish Fertility.

General Health

  • Must have a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) - Below 30

Age Requirement

  • Must be in the age range of 21 – 39

Previous Pregnancy

  • Must have had at least one healthy pregnancy and delivery of their own
  • Must have had no more than one C-section
  • Must not have had serious pregnancy complications, such as:
    • toxemia
    • pre-eclampsia
    • preterm labor
    • incompetent cervix
    • pregnancy-induced hypertension

Lifestyle Requirements

  • No tobacco uses and no exposure to second-hand tobacco use, no exceptions
  • Must be tobacco-free for a minimum of 6 months before applying to become a surrogate
  • No alcohol use during the surrogacy process, no exceptions
  • Must be drug free
  • Must be U.S. citizen or Green Card holder
  • Neither you nor your partner can have a criminal record
  • Must have a stable home, leased, family-owned, or owned
  • Must have reliable transportation to attend medical appointments
  • Must have access to emails, text messages and phone calls
  • Must live in a state with friendly surrogacy law.

Financial Requirements

  • Surrogate must be financially stable with a steady income, either from you or your partner
  • Stay-at-home mom with a financially supporting partner meet the requirement
  • Surrogacy cannot be the only source of income for the household
  • Cannot relied on government subsidies as household income
  • Cannot have a bankruptcy in the past 12 months
  • Regular household income verification will be conducted

Not sure if you qualify? Fill out our simple application form to find out!

Apply Today!


3525 Del Mar Heights Rd
Unit 589
San Diego, CA 92130


(619) 647-1898
(858) 262-4099

