Understanding the Benefits of Gestational Surrogacy

What is Gestational Surrogacy?

Gestational surrogacy is a legal arrangement where a woman (surrogate) agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person/people (intended parents). Gestational surrogacy usually involces in vitro fertilization (IVF) and implantation or embryos. The in vitro fertilization may be done with the intended mother’s eggs or eggs from a donor. Gestational surrogacy means that the surrogate mother is not genetically related to the child carried. The process of embryo implantation and sustaining pregnancy requires advanced medical technology, therefore, gestational surrogacy can be a costly process. However, this method is also more effective than traditional surrogacy where the surrogate mother is impregnated with the intended father’s sperms, using the surrogate’s eggs.

Gestational surrogacy is a solution for intended parents who are unable to carry and deliver a baby through natural reproductive process, due to various biological or medical reasons. Even though the intended parents will not physically carry the baby, you will still be involved intimately throughout the pregnancy process. Intended parents can even be at the hospital during the delivery of your child.

Benefits of Gestational Surrogacy

  • Have your biological child through in vitro fertilization
  • Lower risk pregnancy since surrogates are required to go through extensive medical, psychological and criminal screenings
  • Genetic testing and gender selection of embryos prior to implantation
  • Highest success rate of pregnancy with the combination of in vitro fertilization and surrogacy
  • Same-sex parents are able to have both of their names on their child’s birth certificate (state-dependent)

What Can Cherish Fertility Do for You?

Navigating the intensely complicated surrogacy process requires a team of medical experts, legal representations, insurance agents and inter-agency relations. Cherish Fertility is here to take care of all of the headaches for you, so your journey to parenthood is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

We will help you understand your responsibilities and walk with you through these tasks:

  • Initial free consultation in-person or remotely.
  • Complete your requirements and profile to start the matching process.
  • Meet with potential surrogates in-person or remotely.
  • Be matched with a surrogate.
  • Meet with legal team.
  • Fund the escrow account for medical expenses for your surrogate.
  • Your dedicated Cherish Case Manager will stay in communications with you and your surrogate throughout the pregnancy.

These are some of the tasks that we will manage on your behalf:

  • Verify results during the screening process. We will make sure your surrogate is medically, psychologically and financially suitable to be your surrogate.
  • Ensure your surrogate attends all appointments and completes all medical procedures.
  • Coordinate with insurance agents and manage insurance for your surrogate.
  • Monitor your surrogate’s progress and provide regular and milestone updates.
  • Manage your surrogate’s expenses and ensure all payments are recorded and processed properly.
  • Manage birth plans with the hospital for your child’s delivery.

We know choosing to have a child through surrogacy is an exciting yet nerve wrecking decision. There will undoubtedly be lots of questions you want answered. With Cherish Fertility, you will have a direct line of contact with your dedicated case manager. We will guide you through the whole process before and after your child is born, from medical questions, legal process, language translation to breast milk arrangements and talking to your child about surrogacy. We are here, ready to make your miracle come true!


3525 Del Mar Heights Rd
Unit 589
San Diego, CA 92130


(619) 647-1898
(858) 262-4099

