Become a Surrogate

Why Should I Become a Surrogate?

Somewhere out there is an individual or a couple that desperately wants to become parents, but for one reason or another cannot. For them, there is no greater joy than being able to raise a child. You can give them this gift. It is something that will change their lives forever and you can make it happen.

Through an extensive interview and matching process, Cherish will find parents that fit best with you. We take care of you every step of the way, answering any questions that you might have. You will get to know the intended parents along the way. The best part is you will see the joy in their eyes when they hold their baby for the first time. It was you that made that happen for them.

There are many reasons why a woman choose to become a surrogate. Some choose to be a surrogate because they want to help others fulfill their dream of parenthood. Some choose to be a surrogate mother because of the generous compensation and the sense of purpose surrogacy offers them. Being a surrogate can be a incredibly rewarding experience. Contact us to learn more about becoming a surrogate.

Am I Qualified to Become a Surrogate?

Here is a quick overview of requirements of becoming a surrogate:

  • Being in the age range of 21 – 39
  • Having had at least one healthy pregnancy and delivery
  • Having a BMI below 33
  • Must reside in California
  • Not be a recipient of government assistance of any kind
  • Must not be a tobacco user
  • Must not abuse drugs or alcohol

In addition to the above requirements, a surrogate must also meet various lifestyle, physical health, mental health and minimum personal financial requirements. Apply now to see if you qualify!

How Much Do Surrogates Get Paid?

Compensations to surrogates vary from case to case, depending on variables such as medical situations, personal choices of intended parents and others. For first time surrogates, we offer base compensation package of up to $50,000. In addition to your base package, you may receive benefits of up to $35,000 for multi-births, lost wages, C-sections, etc.. You may even receive up to $4,500 of your package before your first attempt at pregnancy.

What is the process to become a surrogate?

Step 1: Qualification
Click here to fill out a simple application to see if you qualify to become a surrogate. You can also contact us by phone or email if you prefer to talk to us before filling out the questionnaire. Our admission staff will be able to answer any of your questions and qualify you directly.

Step 2: Application 
If our admission staff determines that you meet the basic qualification requirements, we will begin the full application process. At this point, one of our admission team will reach out to you. We may need to clarify additional questions with you. And also, we will set up your consultation.

Step 3: Consultation 
During the consultation phase, you will meet with one of our admission team staff. We want to get to know you and also answer any questions you may have. We want to give you a clear understanding of what to expect during you surrogate experience. We will also have a preliminary discussion of your compensation package at this point.

Step 4: Verification 
After the consultation, we will begin the verification process. We will need to collect paperwork such as medical records and documentations to verify the information you have provided in your application. At this point, you will meet your dedicated case manager, who will assist you in the collection of documents & records.

Step 5: Profile & Screening
Once we have verified the information you have provided, we will start to build your surrogate profile and prepare for match. We will assist you in the creation of your profile. At this stage, we will also begin the screening process. You will meet with a MFT (Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist) to review your medical and pregnancy records. You will also complete a psychological screening. If you are partnered, your partner will complete the psychological screening as well. All meetings can be done via phone or video calls. Your case manager will assist you in every step.

Step 6: Match with Intended Parents
This is the exciting part! Once your profile is built, we will begin matching you with intended parents. Our match process is highly selective and personalized. We want to make sure the best match for our surrogates. The choice of accepting the match of intended parents is 100% yours. You will receive the profiles of intended parents. And you choose the parents that you want to be matched with. Once you have chosen the intended parents, your case manager will facilitate a virtual meeting so you can get to know each other. After the meeting, you can confirm or deny the match. If you confirm the match, then we start the medical process to surrogacy!

Step 7: In-Clinic Medical Screening
You will travel to the IVF clinic chosen by your Intended Parents for medical screening. You and your partner’s travel expenses will be covered by us. The screening may consist of physical examination, blood work and ultrasound. A healthy surrogate is in high demand, therefore, this part of the medical process can happen as fast as two months after you start the application to become a surrogate.

Step 8: Legal Procedures
Once the screenings are competed and your medical clearance is received, we will facilitate the legal procedures. You will be represented by a legal counsel in the contract signing phase. Your legal counsel will help you understand the details of the contract and the compensation package. Your legal counsel represents you and your best interest. The cost of legal representation will be covered by the compensation package.

Step 9: Embryo Transfer
Now that the legal procedures are in place, your IVF medical team will work with you to create a calendar to prepare for embryo transfer. You will receive the necessary medications and set up monitoring appointments. On the day before the embryo transfer, you and your companion will travel to the IVF clinic. You will rest at the hotel for 1 to 2 days after the transfer. All travel expenses will be arranged and paid for by us. Approximately 10 to 12 days after the embryo transfer, you will take the first pregnancy test.

Step 10: Pregnancy
Once you are confirmed to be pregnant, your IVF doctor will continue to monitor you for another 10 to 12 weeks. At that point, you will be released to your personal obstetrician. During this time, your dedicated case manager will continue to check in on you and monitor your progress. Throughout the pregnancy, your case manager will be there for you from appointment reminders and payment requests.

Step 11: Preparing for Delivery
This step happens in concurrent to Pregnancy step. During your second trimester, the legal team will begin the "Parental Establishment" process to declare the Intended Parents as the legal parents with a pre-birth order. Once you are in your third trimester, we will create a birth plan and make arrangement with the delivery hospital and the Intended Parents.

Step 12: Delivery and Recovery
The magical moment! After the delivery, the baby(ies) will be discharged from the hospital and released to the Intended Parents. You should be so proud to be the one that made this miracle happen. You may have arranged for breast milk service with the Intended Parents. We will assist and facilitate the service as well. During the postpartum and recovery period, your case manager will continue to check in on you and support you.

Why do Surrogates Choose Cherish Fertiliy?

The level of attention that you will receive from Cherish is second to none. You will work with the same person, your dedicated case manager throughout the entire process and will have direct communication with them at any time. If you have questions or concerns, they will be there to answer them. Once a match has been made, your case manager will be with you through the embryo transfer, pregnancy and delivery.

Everyone’s experience with pregnancy is unique and we want yours to be special. We make sure that you have someone beside you that you trust and who has gotten to know you throughout the entire process. We want this time to be as memorable for you as it will be for the intended parents.

Apply Today!


3525 Del Mar Heights Rd
Unit 589
San Diego, CA 92130


(619) 647-1898
(858) 262-4099
